
Le Neurologiste Lorenzo Lorusso nous invite à découvrir le site qu'il a créé sur "Caricature et neurosciences". Sommaire alléchant, références bibliographiques. Le tout, en anglais...


Début de l'introduction :

Caricatures and satirical cartoons have a long history of use in art and neuroscience. A caricature is a pictorial representation which by means of distortion creates a comic or satirical effect. The word caricature comes from the Italian caricare, which means to overload or to exaggerate, while the concept of ridicule only became linked to caricature in the Renaissance. By considering such graphic representations of individuals, institutions and innovations one can illustrate the main steps in the historical development of the neurosciences. European examples can be found in the sculpture, painting and graphic prints dating from Ancient Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and succeeding centuries to the present. The humorous use of distortion has been adopted throughout many forms of artistic representation but its use to identify particular characteristics with specific individuals was only established by the late Renaissance...


Dr. Lorenzo Lorusso is presently a Consultant Neurologist in Chiari (Italy). He has clinical and research interests in Neuro-immunological and Neuro-oncological diseases especially paraneoplastic neurological disorders (PND). He began to study PND since 1992 in Pavia and actually has a collaboration with Brescia and Liverpool Universities.


Tag(s) : #Analyses sur la caricature
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