![Call for Chapters - The Language of Humor: Jokes – Caricatures– slapstick](https://image.over-blog.com/bb1LAZxtF90Nb560zJiMMpOndCw=/fit-in/300x300/filters:no_upscale()/image%2F0947248%2F20160822%2Fob_63e6e4_cc-66109.jpg)
The Language of Humor
Jokes – Caricatures– slapstick
Call for Chapters
You are cordially invited to submit a proposal for a new humor research book (an edited collection), which focuses on the language of humor in three humor categories: jokes, caricatures and slapstick.
The importance of this collection is that it focuses on three areas in the study of humor, each different from the others in its language of humor.
Jokes are usually told orally, but are also expressed in writing; caricatures are types of graphic drawings; and slapstick is expressed in body language. Indeed, the three genres use a different language of expression, but they are all part of the humor family. Each has a rich history. Jokes are the outcome of popular humor that has developed almost in every community, and a long history of thousands of years. Caricatures first appeared at end of the 16th century in Italy, and they also have early signs in ancient Egyptian culture as well as in classical Greek and Roman cultures. Slapstick became more familiar in the era of silent movies of the early 20th century, but has also infiltrated talking films. Its origins go back many years, whether to circus acts of the late 18th and 19th century, or in clowns shows in Medieval fairs, or even in the ancient Greek and Roma theatre.
In this book we are interested in deciphering the language of humor in the three genres in order to enrich the knowledge with regard to each, and to make an additional contribution to humor research in general and of the three genres in particular.
You are invited to choose one of the three subjects and submit about 300 words abstract to the editor of the book including a short bio.
Once abstracts are approved, researchers will be asked to submit their full articles, which will not exceed 8,000 words including references. The Articles will be peer reviewed.
Proposals will be written in English. Authors whose English is not their native language are requested to let an editor to review their proposals.
Preliminary Scheduled Dates:
October 15th 2016 Submission of a proposal (abstract) – about 300 words.
November 15th 2016 Replies to authors after reviewing proposals.
December 15th final decision by the publisher.
For more information or questions please contact the book editor