La caricature de la langue française au Québec, avec Mira Falardeau (auteure d'ouvrages sur la caricature) et André-Philippe Coté (dessinateur de presse au quotidien Le Soleil de Québec), mardi 10 janvier à 18 heures, à l'Alliance Française de Dublin.
Conférence en français.
Using slides and drawing as he goes, André-Philippe Côté will show the many facets of his practice which have resulted in publication both at home and abroad. Since 1997 he has been the editorial
caricaturist at Le Soleil, Québec's daily paper. His caricatures are often reprinted in Montreal's daily paper La Presse and in Courrier International (Paris). Also using slides, Mira Falardeau,
co-author of Histoire de la caricature au Québec, will explain how, since its origins in the 19th century up until today, Québec has been at the forefront of the spread of strong humorous and
popular language which allows it to preserve its original culture. Talk in French - Q&A French and English.
Alliance Francaise,
1 Kildare Street, 2, Dublin.
tel: 353 1 6761732 (01 6381447)